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José del Castillo


Photo of Dr. Jose del CastilloJosé del Castillo Nicolau born in Salamanca, Spain (December 25, 1920). MB, University of Salamanca (1945). Doctoral thesis research in the Middlesex Hospital School of Medicine, London, England, under Professor Samson Wright (1946-48). MD, University of Madrid (1947). Postdoctoral research with Sir Charles Lovatt Evans, University College, London, then Prof. A. Von Muralt of the University of Bern, Switzerland (1948-50). Assistant Lecturer and Lecturer in the Dept. of Biophysics, University College, London, working with Prof. Bernard Katz on the Nobel prize-winning characterization of the quantal nature of synaptic release (1950-56). Visiting Professor of Physiology at the State University of New York with K.C. Cole, J. Moore and J. Lettvin (1956-57). Chairman of Clinical Neurophysiology, National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness, National Institutes of Health (1957-59). Associate Professor of Pharmacology, University of Puerto Rico, (UPR), San Juan (1959-60). Professor and Chairman, Department of Pharmacology, UPR (1960-67). NIH Research Career Award (1961-1990). Director, Laboratory of Neurobiology, UPR, (1967-86). Distinguished Professor, School of Medicine, UPR (1987). Doctor of Medicine Honoris Causa, Universidad del Caribe, Puerto Rico (1987). Emeritus Professor, School of Medicine, UPR (1990-2002). Doctor Honoris Causa, University of Salamanca (1992). Premio de Investigación de Castilla-León, Spain (1992). Died in Luquillo, Puerto Rico (August 21, 2002).

Dr. Del Castillo produced more than 150 publications, from 1941 to 1997.

Jose del Castillo in Memoriam (Spanish)

Sixto García Castiñeiras, MD, PhD

How the Early Voltage Clamp Studies of José del Castillo Inform ''Modern'' Neuroscience

Steven J. Zottoli

Additional tributes to Professor José del Castillo can be found at the following sites: