Powering the brain: The glycolytic metabolic meets local energy demands at presynaptic sites

Dr. Daniel Colón-Ramos, Yale Program in Cellular Neuroscience, Neurodegeneration, and Repair served as the RCMI Translational Neuroscience Program Neuroscientist-in-Residence, January 5-15, 2015.
He presented a seminar on January 14: Powering the brain: The glycolytic metabolic meets local energy demands at presynaptic sites.
Following the seminar, Dr. Colón-Ramos met with Institute students and postdocs (photo) to answer questions and discuss their research and career
Sponsored by the Translational Neuroscience Program (TNP) of the UPR Medical Sciences Campus RCMI program and the NIH NIGMS COBRE Puerto Rico Center for Neuroplasticity.