Institute Expands Neuroimaging Core Facilities

The Institute of Neurobiology is proud to partner with Nikon, Inc. and their Center of Excellence established at the University of Puerto Rico in October, 2014. Photos A & B show the progression of a renovation project funded by the Puerto Rico Center for Neuroplasticity (NIGMS Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence; COBRE). In panel C, Nikon representatives Edwin Rosado, Jr., Pedro Pagán, and Danilo Rosado (left to right) are shown installing a Nikon A1R Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope purchased with a grant from the Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) program of the National Science Foundation. This room will also house a state-of-the-art offline Imaris F1 imaging workstation provided by the Translational Neuroscience Program of the UPR Research Centers in Minority Institutions (RCMI) program (NIMHD).