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New NIH R21 grant at UPR School of Medicine!

The Department of Anatomy & Neurobiology and the Department of Microbiology of the School of Medicine of the Medical Sciences Campus of the University of Puerto Rico are proud to announce that Associate Professors Dr. Demetrio Sierra Mercado and Dr. Filipa Godoy Vitorino, have been awarded an R21 research grant by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for a new collaborative project.

Roberto Reyes Maldonado successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis

August 26, 2022. Roberto Reyes Maldonado successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis: "Using a native insect species and its neuromuscular system as models for assessing benthic sediment toxicity in Puerto Rico: Chironomus sp. "Florida" (Diptera: Chironomidae)". Congratulations to Dr. Reyes Maldonado and his mentors Dr. Bruno Marie and Dr. Alonso Ramírez.


The Miller lab was recently awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation!

The four-year project, Neurobiology of Host Manipulation by Parasites, was funded under the NSF Organismal Systems and Infection Biology (OSIB) program. It will enable the lab to continue its work on neuro-parasitology with collaborators in Canada, Spain, and Egypt. These collaborations were developed under the NSF Partnerships in International Research and Education (PIRE) program.



The COBRE Center for Neuroplasticity co-sponsored the Southeast Regional IDeA Conference (San. Juan, PR; 11/12 - 14, 2021

 Left photo: Speakers in the Neuroscience Session included (l to r): Dr. Andrew Seeds (UPR COBRE Center for Neuroplasticity, Alicen Wilcox (Harding University), and Dr. Jessica Larsen (Clemson University). Dr. Nicolas Bazan (LSU Health Center; screen insert) participated remotely. Dr. Mark Miller (UPR COBRE Center for Neuroplasticiy; rear) co-moderated the session.  Right photo: Dr. José Lasalde (UPR COBRE Center for Neuroplasticity PD) chaired the session on the "High Risk, High Reward" NIH initiative.


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