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Collaborations forged between Institute of Neurobiology and Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Dr. Jean A. King, Dean of Arts & Sciences, and Dr. Arne Gericke, Department Head, Chemistry & Biochemistry, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, visited the Institute of Neurobiology on October 7, 2019. They met with the leadership and faculty from the UPR COBRE Center for Neuroplasticity to discuss potential collaborations and student exchange initiatives. 


Institute Awarded $2.9 Million Grant for Hurricane Restoration

SAN JUAN– El Recinto de Ciencias Médicas (RCM) de la Universidad de Puerto Rico anunció hoy la obtención de una subvención de $2.9 millones para devolver a su estado óptimo, previo al paso de los huracanes Irma y María, al Instituto de Neurobiología con sede en el Viejo San Juan. Los fondos fueron otorgados por el Programa de Restauración de Facilidades de Investigación Extramuros y la Oficina de Infraestructura de Investigación de los Institutos Nacionales de la Salud (NIH).  El doctor Mark W.

PIRE program met with Dr. France A. Córdova, Director of the National Science Foundation and Dr. Jorge Haddock Acevedo, President of the University of Puerto Rico

April 4, 2019. Institute students and faculty from our NSF CREST Center for Environmental Neuroscience and the NSF Partnerships in International Research and Education (PIRE) program met with Dr. France A. Córdova, Director of the National Science Foundation and Dr. Jorge Haddock Acevedo, President of the University of Puerto Rico. The group discussed NSF support of research and STEM training at the UPR.



NSF officials visit Institute

Drs. Andrea Johnson and Minerva Cordero, Program Officers from the NSF Division of Human Resource Development (HRD), and Mr. L. Rashawn Farrior, Grants Officer, Division of Grants and Agreements (DGA) visited the Institute on November 5, 2018, The NSF team held meetings and discussions with our CREST Puerto Rico Center for Environmental Neuroscience students and faculty, and with UPR MSC administrative staff. Thanks to all who participated !  


Institute Faculty Meet with officials of the Puerto Rico Science, Technology, and Research Trust

May 3, 2018. Members of the Institute faculty were among investigators invited by the Dean of the UPR School of Medicine to meet with officials of the Puerto Rico Science, Technology, and Research Trust (PRSTRT).  Attendees learned about new funding opportunities, upcoming conferences and workshops, and services available for patenting and marketing products. Thanks to Lucy Crespo, CEO of the PRSTRT for organizing this instructive and stimulating meeting. 


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